
Hi there.

I’m Anjeliqueca. I document my adventures in finances, well-being, and more. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

Fall Journal Questions

Fall Journal Questions

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for your senses to grow sharper.” - W.B. Yeats

We made it to Q4!

Y’all know I love a good reset and October is one of my favorite months to reset. Some of the reasons why I love October include fall, Filipinx American History Month here in the United States, and my birthday! Birthdays are like a double-dose of resetting where we take note of what happened, what we learned, and how we want to live as we grow older.

That being said, I’m excited to share some fall journal prompts to help you take stock for a new month and the last quarter of the year. If you’re signed up for my monthly newsletter, these journaling questions may look familiar. However, I’ve fleshed them out if you want to dive deeper.

Fall Journal Prompts

  1. What excites you? How can you honor some of those things this month?

    A good friend and an ex-coworker asked me this question a couple years ago. It seems like such a simple question, but I never really sat down and reflected on what excites me. Now, I find this question helpful in making hard decisions or planning something fun. Reflecting on what excites you is also a great way to lean into gratitude by remembering the good times in your life.

    For an extra challenge, ask yourself when was the last time you did each thing on your list.

  2. What have you been putting off repeatedly? Can you give it the space it needs or finally let it go?

    You know those tasks that keep going on your to do list and never get crossed off? Well, these tasks are good indicators that perhaps you need to dig deeper. Why do they keep coming back on your list? Does the task need to be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks? Or, is it really not that important but rather a “nice to have” task?

    By finally completing those pesky tasks that are forever on your list or realizing that they’re not important enough to deal with, you’ll create more mental space and free up your energy for better things.

  3. How have you changed this year? Can you notice the subtle changes as well as any major shifts?

    Are these shifts in alignment with your intentions and goals? If yes, what’s one thing moving you in the right direction? If not, what’s one small step you can take this month to move towards the life you want to live and the person you strive to be?

    For an added bonus: remember to celebrate your growth.

True life is lived when tiny changes occur.
— Leo Tolstoy

It can be scary to look back especially if you’ve been going through a tough time, but we shouldn’t let the past stop us from moving forward. There is magic in endings and new beginnings if we can treat ourselves and others with grace.

If you liked these journal prompts, sign up for my newsletter to get a free Quarterly Reset + Review Workbook with additional questions and activities. Every month, I’ll also share journaling questions, affirmations, or resources to guide you in living a more intentional life.

Q: What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this month or this quarter?

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