
Hi there.

I’m Anjeliqueca. I document my adventures in finances, well-being, and more. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

Quarterly Review + Reset

Note: For an updated version, read this and download the updated Quarterly R+R Workbook here.

An unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates

We’re all learning how to live a new normal under the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your new normal looks like using downtime to relax or be productive, now is a great time for documentation and reflection. By pausing to take note of what’s happening, what’s working, and what isn’t during this collective experience staying home, we can regain some control of an uncertain reality.

Since it’s the beginning of a new quarter and we’re all—hopefully—staying home if we can, why not use the extra time for reflection? I use any opportunity to reflect and start fresh, but there’s something special about a quarterly review and reset. Enough time has passed to uncover patterns, wins, and opportunities for improvement in a quarter. Each quarter is also a good checkpoint to assess progress towards yearly goals.

More Ideas to Start Fresh

In this post you’ll find a printable Quarterly Review + Reset worksheet, along with my tips to set you up for success when doing your own quarterly review and reset.

Review Structure

Tip #1: Before you start, find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for a solid thirty minutes to an hour. Make yourself comfortable with music, a cup of your favorite drink, and clothes that make you feel good.

  • What happened?

    List events, activities, holidays, and any local or global events that were relevant to you over the last three months.

    Tip #2: Use your calendar, bullet journal, or planner as a reference.

  • Lows/Highs/Wins

    Lows: what didn’t go well, when did you feel down, what were your mistakes or failures, what lessons did you learn?

    Highs: what went well, what made you happy, what were your favorite things and moments?

    Wins: what you’re proud of, what you accomplished? Remember, small wins matter too!

    Tip #3: Give yourself a time limit to go over each category. Do your best to answer honestly and without judgment.

More on Practicing Honesty

From success, you learn absolutely nothing. From failure and setbacks, conclusions can be drawn. That goes for your private life as well as your career.
— Niki Lauda
  • Progress - How did I do?

    Assess your progress on yearly, quarterly, and/or monthly goals. Are you on track, off-track, or behind on any of your goals? What did you accomplish?

  • Process - What could be better?

    Find opportunities for improvement. What worked over the last three months? What didn’t? Why? Some reasons why we don’t reach our goals is because they aren’t specific enough or there are variables outside of our control. Identifying what went wrong or any unexpected events that affected our ability to reach our goals is crucial to setting new goals that set us up for success.

    Tip #4: Think in terms of stop, start, and continue. What can you stop doing, start doing, and continue doing over the next three months to crush your goals?

Reset Rituals

  • Quarterly Goals + Intentions

    Goals: a tangible target to achieve in the future, e.g. lifting 70% of your body weight.

    Intentions: a feeling, idea, or focus in the present, e.g. I am strong.

    Tip #5: Take a moment to visualize where you see yourself three months from now. How do you feel? What do you look like? What does your space look like? If it helps, draw out your ideal life and future self. If you’re not a doodler, try using mind maps using key words and phrases that describe your vision.

  • Monthly Goals + Intentions

    Break down your yearly and quarterly goals into smaller parts.

    Tip #6: If three monthly goals and intentions seem like a bit much to plan out now, feel free to return to this step at the beginning of a new month. You can also choose a word or theme of the month. Find what works for you over time.

  • Plan Ahead

    List any tasks or events you having coming up, like birthdays. Jot down any daily or weekly steps you can take towards your goals and/or intentions.

    Tip #7: Block out time in your calendar, bullet journal, or planner for your tasks, events, and habits that support your goals and intentions over the next three months.

  • Take Notes

    Take note of your thoughts during your quarterly review and reset so you can improve the experience next time. What did you like? What didn’t you like? What was missing from this process that you want to include next quarter?

  • Do Something Different

    Use visual cues to create a fresh start. Quarters typically delineate changing seasons, e.g. January = Winter and April = Spring, so change up your space and/or wardrobe accordingly. Put away decor, gear, or clothes that are no longer in season.

    Do an activity that inspires and motivates you. Make a new dish you’ve never tried. Go on a hike or bike ride somewhere new while respecting social distancing and local guidelines. Call that friend you haven’t talked to in a while, but always makes you smile.

    Tip #8: You just finished major self work, so now it’s time to treat yo self with the activities that make you feel great.

You made it this far and for that I truly appreciate you! Remember to download the Quarterly Review + Reset worksheet before you go. Share your quarterly review and reset set-up on Instagram, tag me @anjeliqueca and I’ll share on my stories too.

Stay kind and well my friends.

P.S. If you want to further enhance your quarterly review + reset rituals, try using this Quarter Ahead Spread + Intention Practice.

Financial Check-Ins and Budgeting

Financial Check-Ins and Budgeting

Practicing Honesty

Practicing Honesty