Terms of Use


Effective: October 7, 2019

Last Updated: May 26, 2021

As a viewer or user of this site, Anjeliqueca.com, you agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use without notice.

Intellectual Property

All content is created by Anjeliqueca unless otherwise stated and is, therefore, property of Anjeliqueca. Property of Anjeliqueca.com is protected by copyright laws. 

You may view content on Anjeliqueca.com for non-commercial use and agree not to use, alter, modify, publish, or display our content for commercial use. Unauthorized use of content may violate copyright laws.

Content not created by Anjeliqueca will be credited accordingly. We do our best to credit all content not created by Anjeliqueca, so if you notice any content that is miscredited or uncredited, we apologize!

Please contact helloanjeliqueca@gmail.com and we will credit the appropriate creator(s) and/or owner(s).