
Hi there.

I’m Anjeliqueca. I document my adventures in finances, well-being, and more. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

November 2022 Oraclescope

November 2022 Oraclescope

A note about Oraclescopes:

Here at A + Co. Studios, November has started off rough. The first couple of days felt like we were already halfway through November!

This month’s oraclescope is reassuring if you’re feeling disoriented, too. As always, take what feels good and leave the rest. We also encourage you to bookmark this page and return to these messages throughout the month if they don’t quite resonate immediately.

We hope you find some comfort and ease here, and if you did (or didn’t), we’d love to hear your feedback!

Thank you for being here,
💙 Anjeliqueca

Uranus - Freedom

The end of the year approaches. Yearly goals may be top of mind as you feel the race to the finish line speeding up. You may feel that time is running out, which might be causing some tensions if you’re also feeling a slowing down, especially if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere where nights are growing longer. To combat the tension, Uranus encourages us to lean into what makes us feel free and alive. We’re being asked to listen to our wants and musts instead of the shoulds in our lives.

The “old” may no longer suit our present and Uranus is nudging us—for some, this nudge feels more like a shove—to innovate. If you’re feeling a strong push and pull internally that something isn’t quite “right,” look to the restlessness as a sign to shake things up.

A shake-up could look like our routines being in flux and in desperate need of flexibility and change. Our day-to-day may be shifting and our routines may need to be adaptable to allow for more freedom. Even holiday traditions or end-of-year festivities may no longer be serving us in the same ways and they may be in dire need of transformation.

Download the monthly reminder phone wallpaper (and future monthly wallpapers) here.

© 2022 | Anjeliqueca

Some practical ways to embody freedom and the rebel in us all:

  • Try something new for your nighttime routine. Switch screen time for light stretching or a 5-minute tidy to give Future You a little more space and room to breathe.

  • Instead of mindlessly shopping holiday deals, shop your closet, your home, or your community’s marketplaces, like a friend’s closet or No Buy groups.

  • Opt for sustainable swaps instead of single use products. Future You will appreciate time and money freedom especially in this age of inflation.

  • Free yourself from needless expectations. Give yourself a break from goal-getting and performance-chasing. You might find the mental and emotional freedom allows you to work smarter and with more ease.

Q: What’s one expectation you’re freeing yourself from this year?

Share your thoughts in the comments below for some community support!

Want more support in putting this wisdom into action? Be in community with us on Patreon as we navigate intentional spending and simple self-care.

Want 1:1 support instead? Accomplish your goals with more freedom and ease with me as we co-create your dreams into reality. Get a free Dream Life Action Plan if you’re curious.

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