
Hi there.

I’m Anjeliqueca. I document my adventures in finances, well-being, and more. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

Invest in Yourself

Invest in Yourself

How do you invest in yourself?

In the spirit of Financial Literacy Month, let’s talk about investing. Specifically, we’re talking about investing in ourselves. We invest in ourselves when we engage in education. When we find new hobbies and learn new skills. When we try things we’ve never tried before. And, when we fail. Much like financial investing, investing in ourselves can be scary because failure is scary and so is the unknown.

What we fail to realize when we’re focused on fear is that the unknown is also where the magic happens.

The unknown future is scary, but what’s scarier is not taking a leap of faith in yourself.
— Mo Seetubtim

In the unknown, possibilities are limitless. In the unknown, new stories are created. In the unknown, our knowing expands. The known becomes less scary.

How do we reconcile our fear and the power of the unknown?

We name our fears. We investigate our fears. We give our fears the contingency plans they need to feel safe. When nothing we do quells the fear completely, we come to terms with what we’re losing when we listen to fear.

When we’re not investing in ourselves because of fear, the costs are high. We risk losing our sense of self and our integrity in exchange for a life of regret and what if’s. That is not a life I want to live. And, it’s a life I’m not living.

Put fear in its place—kindly, but firmly.

Instead, by investing in myself, I’m living a life of possibilities I’ve never dreamed of and it is mind-boggling. It’s not easy, which is a giant understatement all things considered, but I am often left in awe of the life I am building.

I still pause when I realize I’m investing in my own business ventures. Sometimes, I take a beat when I’m drafting contracts or visioning out long-term goals; becoming a business owner was never quite part of the plan. Another fact that hasn’t quite sunk in: I’m a mentor and certified coach with paying clients.

Note: Coaching and mentoring are two different things. I do both.

I get to work on my own terms. I get to learn and experiment constantly. I get to connect with people on a meaningful level to help them explore their potential and put that potential into action. I get to live a life aligned with my values. I get to love what I do and people are paying me to do what I love.

And, I’m a mentor and coach whose clients are KILLIN’ IT. They are paying their student loans, making their money work for them, and building out their vision of financial freedom. They are showing up as their fullest selves, dancing with the unknown, and building their vision of a resilient self and a well-lived life.

They are investing in themselves and putting fear in its place—kindly, but firmly.

Now, that’s a life I want to live and am living.

I get to do what I love because I invested in myself. I took a leap of faith by following my curiosity towards a new career path, one that I’m creating for myself. It feels weird to call myself a coach or mentor because those labels seem too simplistic. What feels right, right now, is calling myself a guide helping people build financial freedom, a resilient self, and a well-lived life. A guide that asks questions. A guide that shares resources. A guide that designs systems and structures to help you get from point A to point B—wherever your point B might be.

Invest in yourself and see where it takes you. You might find that you love the life you’re living, too.

Q: What would your point B look like if you invested in yourself?

If you’re curious to know what a coach or mentor does and if I’d be a good fit to help you get from point A to point B, book a discovery call with me here—it’s free.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed financial professional, financial planner, or financial advisor. My coaching and mentoring services do not constitute financial advice.

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