
Hi there.

I’m Anjeliqueca. I document my adventures in finances, well-being, and more. Hope you enjoy this journey with me!

20 Ways to Keep that Fresh Feeling Going

Every moment is a new chance to start fresh.

Whether you hit the ground running in this new year or not, there’s plenty of opportunities for a fresh start. If you need a few ideas, I compiled a list of 20 ways to keep that fresh feeling going. Try whatever piques your interest!

Routines and Habits

  • Go to sleep earlier one day a week.

    Whether you try sleeping one hour, thirty minutes, or even ten minutes earlier, that extra bit of sleep might give you the rest you need to wake up feeling energized and ready to conquer the day.

  • Take a different route to school, work, or the grocery store.

  • Start one new habit.

  • Find one activity to reset your week.

    I’ll let you in on a little secret: I don’t bullet journal every day. I like to use a Sunday or Monday to recap the previous week and reset my mind for the week ahead.

  • Start a new notebook.

    If you have a half empty notebooks and don’t want to waste paper, flip to a new page and write the year (or month) to divide the notebook. Make this new cover page as elaborate or as simple as you desire.

  • Listen to a new artist, album, or playlist.

  • Send snail mail to a friend, family member, or new connection.


  • Reorganize your closet or drawers.

    While you’re at it, remove what doesn’t fit or “spark joy” so the rest of your clothes can breathe. Try not to rush and fill the empty space. Instead, see if you can create new outfits with the clothes you already have.

  • Rearrange a corner of your room or desk.

  • Clean your windows.

    I love fresh and clean windows to transform my space. If you can swing it, clean the outside of your windows too; you’ll allow more light to filter into your rooms. Even an ounce of light can make a significant difference.

  • Wash your pillows.


  • Do one thing that pushes the limits of your comfort zone.

  • Revisit your goals and intentions.

    Ask yourself what feels stagnant and what fires you up. You might notice that you view a few of your goals differently, or you might take a moment to revel in the progress you’ve already made—no matter how small.

  • Course-correct with updated or entirely new goals and intentions.

    If you feel like changing course because of fear, uncover the reasons for your fear. Ask yourself what’s the worst that could happen if you keep going, then work your way backwards. If the worst happens, what could you do to rebuild yourself? By naming the worst and having a plan, you might realize you already have the courage to keep moving on the path you’re on, despite fear and doubt.

    If you change course because the destination isn’t where you want to be, you haven’t failed. The awareness to pause and evaluate what’s really best for you is a sign of wisdom; the ability to start again is strength.

  • Treat yourself to a solo date.

January may be over, but we still have the rest of the quarter (and year) to hit our goals and live intentionally.

January may be over, but we still have the rest of the quarter (and year) to hit our goals and live intentionally.

Career and Finances

  • Update your resume.

    Even if you aren’t looking for a new job, it’s good to keep track of the projects you’re working on and the skills you’re gaining. Don’t wait until you need to find a job to recall all you’ve accomplished and learned in your current job.

  • Finish your taxes.

    I find that taxes take up a lot of my mental space, especially when I worked as an independent contractor and had to pay taxes instead of receiving a refund. The sooner I get my taxes done, the more brain capacity I have to focus on my goals.

  • Start saving.

    If you’re already saving, deposit a lump sum into your savings account or piggy bank. Tax refunds are a great opportunity for saving, investing, or paying off debt—or a combination of the three!


  • Start planning your dream vacation.

    Put reality to the side for a moment and go wild with your imagination!

  • Take a break to visit someplace new, solo or with a familiar face.

    I recently sent a newsletter to subscribers on taking time for family and travel. If you’re interested, you can read my newsletter here. Feel free to subscribe if you want the newsletters sent straight to your inbox. You can always unsubscribe at any time.

Another Tip: If you need an extra boost of motivation, try a few items on this list with a friend!

So, what’s one way you’re going to keep that fresh feeling going? Drop a comment below and I’ll send you some good vibes your way.

Practicing Honesty

Practicing Honesty

2020 Yearly Bullet Journal Set-Up