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October 2022 Oraclescope

A note about Oraclescopes:

This month’s oraclescope begins with a visualization exercise that you can return to whenever you need it. You’ll also find practical ways to incorporate intentional action towards your goals.

Remember to take what feels good and leave what doesn't. You can also bookmark this page and return to these messages throughout the month. And if you feel compelled, I'd love to hear your thoughts, experiences, and stories.

Thank you for being here,
💙 Anjeliqueca

Capricorn - Achieve

A mountain looms behind. Feelings of fear, doubt, and resistance wash over you. Perhaps, you’re tired and in need of respite. Take a step away from the mountain and gaze over the path you have taken to get to where you stand now. Notice how far you have come. Maybe you even begin to name what you have already accomplished so far. Feel the fear begin to dissipate.

In October, there is more to achieve. Your goals may have already been set. Mini goals may already be in motion. Yet, there is also room to reflect and honor your wins. There is room to celebrate. There is room to rest before you climb again.

Soon, the winds will shift in your favor. The journey may not be easy, but there is space for you to journey more easefully. Listen, observe, feel. You’ll find your footing and rhythms to get you up the next mountain.

Download the monthly reminder phone wallpaper (and future monthly wallpapers) here.

© 2022 | Anjeliqueca

Some practical and magical wisdom to guide us this month:

  • Honor, name, and celebrate our wins.

  • Break down large goals into smaller tasks.

  • Take one step, one task, or one action at a time.

  • Rest to avoid burning out and to restore before venturing forth again.

  • Pause frequently to assess if we’re on track and still aligned with our values, hopes, and dreams.

  • Get clear, very clear, on what we want and what we need.

  • Ask for support and give support where we can because when we win, we don’t have to do it alone. We can achieve together.

Q: What’s win you’re proud of this year?

Share in the comments below to celebrate with community!

Want more support in putting this wisdom into action? Here’s a few ways to start:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter here for intention journal prompts, insider reflections, and community news.

  • Be in community with us on Patreon for intuitive tools, self-care practices, and peaceful spaces to create and connect with kind humans.

  • Co-create your dreams into reality with me where you’ll get clear on your values, wants, needs, and personal rhythms to achieve your goals with ease. Get a free Dream Life Action Plan if you’re curious.

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