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My Favorites: 10 Best Newsletters

Do you ever have the urge to read, but can’t get through a book?

As much as I love reading, sometimes I struggle to get through a book. Reading the news doesn’t satiate the desire to read. Scrolling through social media reading text posts and captions definitely doesn’t satisfy my craving for words.

What actually hits the reading sweet spot are newsletters.

A Sample Platter

Newsletter subscriptions feed me a steady supply of wit, humor, information, and inspiration. Newsletters provide me with a sample platter of all my interests so I can keep reading, keep learning, and keep appreciating the beauty of being human through the perspectives of different human beings. 

With newsletters, there’s a variety of sizes, frequencies, and topics to consume—all at my pace and on my own time without the pressure of completing a book to satisfy the need to read. There are bite-sized newsletters that get delivered daily, while longer newsletters get sent weekly or monthly.

Plus, I now enjoy seeing my email inbox because I enjoy seeing what’s new from my daily, weekly, and monthly subscriptions.

If you’re looking for something new to read this summer, or whatever season it may be in your part of the world whenever you’re reading this article, then may I suggest my top ten favorite newsletters.

While you’ll notice I categorized these newsletters with my own labels, don’t judge a subscription or author by the title. Both the subscription and the writer(s) offer so much more than how I chose to organize this list.

If you are looking to read books, newsletter writers also have books! I’ve included some of my favorite books, books I’m currently reading, or books I want to read in this list as well.


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Authors + Creators + Makers

Alex Elle, Community Newsletter + Gratitude Newsletter

Alex Elle is one of my all-time favorite authors, creators, and makers. She makes me feel like I am enough as I am, that I’m not alone. Her newsletters and books and social media feed are reminders to pause, to treat ourselves with care and ease.

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I’m currently reading Neon Soul, courtesy of a friend who lent it to me, but so far my favorite is After the Rain, which I gifted to myself as a birthday present in October. Yes, I get myself presents, don’t you?

Jen Hewett, Jen Hewett Studio Newsletter

I first learned about Jen Hewett through CreativeMornings and attended her talk live. The event was hosted in Yelp’s San Francisco office, right across from where I used to work. Sitting near the back, I doodled the skyline while waiting for the talk to begin. When she started speaking, I immediately knew I was exactly where I needed to be to get to a place I didn’t even know I needed to go.

I’m not a printmaker or a textile artist, and I barely know how to sew. Yet, her newsletters always spark joy and remind me that creativity is a messy process where perfectionism has no place to be.

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Her book, This Long Thread: Women of Color on Craft, Community, and Connection, will be available in November 2021 and it already has a spot on my Christmas wish list.

Carissa Potter, Bad At Keeping Secrets

Carissa Potter gets personal and unfiltered about love, mental health, motherhood, and more through her newsletter. While I may not or cannot relate to some of her experiences, like being a mom, she shares the human experiences and thoughts we don’t openly acknowledge or face.

Her openness in her newsletters helps break the stigma on mental health and the assumptions we may hold about love or other messy emotions and experiences. By shining a light on the parts of the human experience that we readily look away from through sharing her personal experiences and thoughts, her newsletters leave me feeling a little more seen and a little more whole.

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It's OK to Feel Things Deeply helped me ease my anxiety during the workday back when I was commuting three to four hours a day. I’ve also gifted it to people I love who also have anxiety because it’s cute and manageable, so it won’t trigger the guilt-tripping spiral of not being able to finish a book. At least, I hope it doesn’t.

Finance + Business

Her First $100K, Free Resources + Money Advice

Tori, founder of Her First $100K, is financial feminist goals. People ask me how I learned about finances and debt and how I became debt-free, and I tell them I did it mostly alone because I did. I didn’t know about Tori until after I became debt-free, but any time I have the opportunity to share some financial gold I send them straight to Her First $100K. 

Even though she didn’t teach me how to be debt-free, her knowledge and presence and mindset are helping me embrace financial feminism and achieve my first $100K.

Fred Wilson, AVC

Despite working at a startup, I knew nothing about venture capitalism until my friend/mentor/manager shared me Fred Wilson’s newsletter. Now, I get daily information about all things capitalism, crypto, and subjects I don’t always understand. With AVC, I’m always learning something new.

Guides + Teachers

Jessica Lanyadoo, Weekly Horoscope

I also saw her live in San Francisco at a California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) event which you can listen to here and it was a great experience. I love her podcast, especially because she provides a transcript, and her weekly horoscope because she provides a refreshing take on astrology, activism, and what it means to be human, or, “a weirdo in a meat suit.” Her way of thinking and the questions she asks make me feel like I can be a better human and they also give me the tools to try my best.

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I’ve been wanting to read her book, Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along, more and more. It’s probably going to be my next birthday gift if I can wait that long.

Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, Moonbeaming

Every month, I look forward to Sarah’s monthly Tarotscopes. She talks about tarot, rituals, and magic in ways that are accessible and considerate. In ways that don’t appropriate and instead provide space to learn. She’s a newer addition to my inbox, but that didn’t stop her from quickly becoming one of my favorites.

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I received The Moon Book: Lunar Magic to Change Your Life as a gift from my best friend—remember her from our Self-Care + Skincare Conversations—and I’m constantly reaching for it. Seriously Best, can’t thank you enough!

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Curators + Storytellers

Tim Ferriss, 5-Bullet Friday

I love to know what people are reading and watching and researching and buying; these things feed my never-ending curiosity and Tim Ferriss covers a whole spectrum of topics to sample.

That friend/mentor/manager I mentioned earlier? She also gifted me Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World which has proven to be a trusty guide over the last few years. Thank you always, D.

Amanda McMillan, Hot Take

Amanda is one of my peer coaches through JRNI. Our conversations always leave me in awe because she’s cool and we talk about cool things, everything from ancestors to programming to thought leaders of our time. Her “Hot Takes” elicit a range of feelings, thoughts, and questions. Plus, the GIFs she shares are aptly called, “PIÈCE DE RÉSISTANCE.”

CreativeMornings, Newsletter

CreativeMornings has led me to some of my favorite creatives, like Jen Hewett. Their “Fun Stuff to Click On” are delightful, informative, and inspiring. They also share job postings which is fun to browse to learn about different roles and who’s hiring. Last, but not least, their virtual events have been a godsend throughout this period of destabilized social interaction. Y’know what I’m talking about.

Did you like this post? Want more listicles like this? Please share your feedback with me through the comments, email, or DM. You know where to find me.

Q: What are some of your favorite newsletters? Or, if you’re not a newsletter fan, please share your favorite books or blogs! I’d love some new recommendations myself.

P.S. I also have a newsletter that I love writing and sharing. Sign up here and get my free quarterly workbook, plus monthly journal questions. You also get first access to exclusive thoughts and updates I don’t share anywhere else. 😉

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